Sunday, November 4, 2018

Fall Party!
We started our Fall Party Day with some Candy Corn Addition. We made 5 different combinations of 10 using candy corn! After we completed our worksheet, we got eat, and for some kiddos, try the candy corn!

After lunch, we got to watch part of the High School's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Musical. The High School students did a great job and we had a great time watching! When we were done watching the musical, it was FINALLY time to put on our costumes. We walked over to the Middle School and showed them off to the 5th graders. Here are some photos of us all dressed up! :)

After our walk it was time to put together our trail mix snack. It was sweet with gummy worms (normal and sour), skittles, m&ms, marshmallows and more! It was savory with pretzels, cheese balls and goldfish. But most importantly, it was delicious! Many kiddos said this was their favorite part of the day.

Day 50!
Unfortunately, the only photo I was able to snap of Day 50 was at the very end when we were enjoying our Root Beer Floats. We had SO much fun this day! We played games from the 50's, saw how many things we could do in 50 seconds, practiced counting to 50 by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's, wrote a recipe for Root Beer Floats and learned the Hand Jive. It was a great day and we were smiling very big at the very end. :)

3D Shapes
Here are some extra photos from our math unit this trimester. We have been working on 2D and 3D shape review. We started building shapes first using marshmallows and toothpicks, then with straws and twist ties! We worked together with our partners to figure out how we would make the shapes. It was challenging, but we really got the hang of it after the first couple tries!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Slime, Fire Safety and More Photos!

Hello Families!

Welcome to our First Grade blog post of the 2018-2019 school year! I apologize that it has taken me so long to get it started this year. I have a lot of photos to share with you. We have had so much fun together so far! I will update this blog once a month with any photos or important news I have for you. You will also find important dates along the right-hand side and a copy of our classroom schedule.

Below are a few photos from the very first week of school. You will see students working together on their morning tubs. Each morning students come into the classroom and work on a tub with their table group. These tubs include legos, puzzles, books, blocks, etc. This is our time to build positive relationships and get to know each other!

Independent Reading
Here are some photos of our independent reading time. In these photos we are building our Reading Stamina! That means we are sitting down and reading our books during the whole independent reading time. Students get to select 4-5 books to have in the book baggies they keep at their desks. During Daily 5 (our reading block) students can choose from: Read to Self, Read to Someone, Writing, Word Work and Listening. Each student gets to do 3 of these every day!

Fire Prevention Week

Last week we had the opportunity to go to the Kalona Fire Station, meet the Firefighters and learn how to stay safe in our homes if there is a fire. We had a lot of fun and we learned so much! The Firefighters gave us a tour of the station and also let us crawl through one of their fire trucks. If you have not already, please take time to sit down with your child and review/create your fire safety plan.

1. Where is your family meeting spot outside?
2. What does the fire alarm sound like?
3. What number do you call?
4. What is your address?
5. Check your fire alarms each month.
6. Replace fire alarms after 10 years.

Pam and Plants!
During Science, we have been learning a lot about plants and how to take care of them. So far we have planted: alfalfa, rye grass, wheat seeds and right now, we are trying to make new plants out of an old hanging plant we have in our classroom. We have had a lot of fun learning about what plants need to survive and getting a little dirty along the way. We have the awesome opportunity to have Ms. Pam Holtz come into our classroom throughout the year and teach us different Science and Social Studies topics. She recently came in and reviewed with us all of the things a plant needs to grow. We played a game and got to use magnifying glasses to take a closer look at some of the plants growing outside!


After we came in from meeting with Ms. Pam, we took a look at the baggies of plants we collected from outside and completed a journal entry about them! We were surprised to find that there are so many different kinds of plants just outside our school door. Below is what a typical Science Journal entry looks like. You can see that we tape our finding into our notebooks so we can keep them to look at later. The students were also very excited to tape in the grass that we "mowed" from our Alfalfa and Rye Grass Plants.

And Finally...... SLIME!
I had to laugh when I got some encouraging emails from families about making slime with all the kiddos, as I had never made it myself, but I have to say it was a very smooth project! (With the help of Ms. Jennifer, of course). We had a great time making the slime and then using it to practice Letter and Shape formation. :)