Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week of November 6-10

I am excited to share a lot of pictures with you! We had many visitors in our school the last couple  weeks for National Young Reader's Week, The University of Iowa Burn Unit Puppet Show, the Bilingual Puppet Show, and Ms. Pam came! I also included some photos of our Reader's Theater Workshop we did in our classroom. The kids had a great time practicing and rehearsing their lines. One group performed for the entire class and did a fantastic job! Everyone is working hard in our room. Keep up the motivating words at home!!

National Young Reader's Week
I will start out this post with National Young Reader's Week. We had four very special visitors come read to our class this week. They told us how important and fun reading is. Kids read, adults read, everyone reads! This was a week to celebrate all of the hard work our students do on reading each and every day. Take a look at the photos below for some familiar faces. :)

Puppet Shows!
Over the last two weeks, we have watched two different puppet shows. The first puppet show we watched was a Bilingual Puppet Show organized by our Spanish Teacher, Senora Beachy. One of the performers came from Mexico just to put on the show for us! The Puppet Show put two different folk tales together for one very entertaining story presented in both English and Spanish. The kiddos really enjoyed taking what they have learned so far in Spanish and using it to understand the words of the characters. Gracias, Senora Beachy!

The second puppet show we watched was the University of Iowa Burn Unit Puppet Show. Three nurses from UI-Burn Unit came to teach us how to stay safe during a fire. They taught us how smoke rises, so we need to stay low to the floor. They taught us to wash burns with soap and water instead of putting ice on it. They also taught us how to feel the door to see if there is a fire on the other side! Thank you to Mrs. Troyer for setting up the show and to the nurses from UI for coming to teach us how to be safe in what can be a scary situation!

Ms. Pam Teaches First Grade Native American Games
Ms. Pam is definitely a highlight for all of the kids in first grade! We always have a blast when she comes to teach us about Science and Social Studies. This time she taught us some fun games that the kids can play by themselves or with friends. These games practice focus, aim and listening. Here are some pictures from each of the games. Ask your child to teach you how to play! 
They had so much fun learning and playing them.

Game One: Focus
One student holds a rock and switches it around in their hands. They are not allowed to put it behind their backs. The other student watches carefully and follows where they think they rock may be. Once the first student stops moving the rock, the other student must guess which hand it is in.

Game Two: Aim
The students take turns dropping a rock from shoulder height into a container below. The trick is, the rock must not jump out of the container. It is tougher than it looks!

Game Three: Listening
One student is blindfolded and seated at the front of the room. They have 3 pieces of "wood" in front of them. Three students are selected to stand behind the blind folded student. These students need to find a way to take one piece of wood without being tagged by the blindfolded student. The blindfolded student must stay seated and listen very carefully to the movements around them in order to detect where the other students are.

Veteran's Day
This week we learned more about Veteran's Day. As a school we created a hand flag and sent Thank You crafts to Veterans. Our room helped complete the flag by cutting out the 50 stars and glueing them onto the flag. We also wrote letters to Veterans, made paper poppies and read a book about Veterans. Thank you to all of those who are serving or who have served!

Reader's Theater
This week we worked on Reader's Theater. Each student received a part in the play, rehearsed their lines and practiced acting it out. They did an amazing job and everyone worked so hard to make it fun for their group. I have added some photos of their hard work below. 

One group was ready to perform for the class. I wish I would have taken a video, because they did an AWESOME job! Way to go first graders!!

Winter Weather Policy:

Cold Weather Policy
ALL students need to bring appropriate clothing for fall/winter weather.
  • Students need to have long pants, long-sleeves or jackets/”Hoodies” when the wind- chill/feels like temperature is 31-40 degrees.
  • At 30 degrees and below, students are to have pants, coats, hats, and gloves, no exceptions.

  • Indoor recess will occur when the wind chill/feels like temperature is 0 degrees or below.
Items must be worn outside at all times.
Once the snow flies students not having boots when the playground conditions warrant, must remain on hard surfaces while outside. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  • To play in the snow, students must wear snow pants and snow boots. 
  • SNOW BOOTS ARE NOT TO BE WORN INSIDE THE SCHOOL so that we can keep our carpets clean.

Local weather can be found at the following link:

Thanks for understanding and keeping our students safe and warm.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Many Updates!

Hello Families,

I am sorry that this post is so late. We have been very busy in our classroom! The following are photos from our measuring unit. The students were challenged to use non-standard units of measurement to measure various things around the room... including each other! They used dominoes, popsicle sticks, cubes and tile squares! They worked very hard and learned a lot. :)

Here are some photos from our Fall party. They all looked great!! We had fun walking over to the Middle School and showing off our outfits to the 5th graders. We came back to enjoy a Pumpkin shaped snack and candy treat. I hope everyone stayed warm last night if you ventured out. I also included a photo of the MP- East Staff. :)